Volume 10 – The Trumpet Chronicles (Has It Really Been 5 Months?)


Iolds-ambassador-trumpett’s frankly amazing how quickly time goes by.  I logged in to this site today just to see if there were any software updates that needed to be applied.  My last posting was in February!  Several things have happened, so…. Continue reading “Volume 10 – The Trumpet Chronicles (Has It Really Been 5 Months?)”

Volume 9A – The Trumpet Chronicles


mendez1I started to just update Volume 9 after last night’s practice, but figured I would “thrill” the couple of you who actually read these chronicles with a new entry.

I called it “Volume 9A” since it is a continuation of Volume 9.  Catchy name, huh?

Continue reading “Volume 9A – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles


olds-recording-offset-trumpetThere hasn’t been too much going on with the trumpet chronicling lately.   Continue reading “Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles”