Volume 9A – The Trumpet Chronicles


mendez1I started to just update Volume 9 after last night’s practice, but figured I would “thrill” the couple of you who actually read these chronicles with a new entry.

I called it “Volume 9A” since it is a continuation of Volume 9.  Catchy name, huh?

Continue reading “Volume 9A – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles


olds-recording-offset-trumpetThere hasn’t been too much going on with the trumpet chronicling lately.   Continue reading “Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Volume 5 – The Trumpet Chronicles


yam-11So, last night I was at band practice.  We were quickly running through some of the Christmas music for our first concert on the 13th.  I was using the Yamaha 11 mouthpiece I mentioned in a previous post with my silver Olds Ambassador trumpet.  Strangely, my lip got really tired way early in the practice, long before I expected it to.  On a whim, I switched to my generic 3C mouthpiece, and quickly found new life and endurance.  My tonal quality came back substantially also. Continue reading “Volume 5 – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles


It’s been a long, interesting (to me, anyway) journey from being a grade-school violin player to a high school flutist to a college bari-sax player to a trumpeter in a community band.  So recline that easy chair, and “listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed….” er.. Charlie um.. Mike. Continue reading “Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles”