Volume 4 – The Trumpet Chronicles


Yesterday, I started the down-sizing of my instrument collection.  It was a traumatic time, but I managed to get through it.

I have several horns and mouthpieces out on eBay at the moment:

Item picture Couesnon Eb Alto / Tenor Horn

Item picture Rare Reynolds 4 Alto / Tenor Horn Mouthpiece

Item picture Getzen DEG Plastic Cup French Horn Mouthpiece

Item picture ’50s York National Bb Trumpet

Item picture Getzen 300 Alto Marching Trumpet Eb / F Frumpet

I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities if they interest you!

Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles


It’s been a long, interesting (to me, anyway) journey from being a grade-school violin player to a high school flutist to a college bari-sax player to a trumpeter in a community band.  So recline that easy chair, and “listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed….” er.. Charlie um.. Mike. Continue reading “Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles”