Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles


olds-recording-offset-trumpetThere hasn’t been too much going on with the trumpet chronicling lately.   Continue reading “Volume 8 – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Volume 3 – The Trumpet Chronicles


mendez1Since buying a couple of Ambassadors, I have become intrigued by the Olds trumpets; their history, the different models, and what the differences are between them. Continue reading “Volume 3 – The Trumpet Chronicles”

Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles


It’s been a long, interesting (to me, anyway) journey from being a grade-school violin player to a high school flutist to a college bari-sax player to a trumpeter in a community band.  So recline that easy chair, and “listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed….” er.. Charlie um.. Mike. Continue reading “Preface – The Trumpet Chronicles”